People often ask if they should attend therapy. Our response is that we all have times when we need a little help. Whether it seems like a small ‘bump’ in the road or a ‘mountain’ standing before you, making the decision to attend counselling and psychotherapy is often difficult—it takes courage. However, it can be the most important and rewarding decision you make for personal growth and health. While life may seem overwhelming at times, counselling and psychotherapy offers you a new perspective, understanding and the skills to overcome and develop into the you, as an individual or couple, that you desire to be.
In all of our work we take the goals set by the client and work toward those goals. For individuals it might be self-esteem, stress, anxiety, disordered eating, abuse issues, trauma, addictions or needing someone to help them develop their life plan or path. For couples it might be to improve communication, overcome infidelity or assist with parenting. Whatever the situation, we journey with our clients to a place where they desire to be in life.